Singapore Brain Development Centre


Special Holiday program to turbo-charge your child’s “Neural Information Highway”

No matter how old we get, our mental abilities (and even IQ!) are never “set in stone.” Because the brain is always adapting and building, our ability to think, remember and learn is never static–it can always be upgraded and improved!
Don’t “settle” for the brain you think you were born with. Whatever your age or situation, you really can experience the life-changing benefits of a faster, smarter brain.
Much like a muscle, the brain can be strengthened, grown and improved. The changeable parts of the brain are called cognitive skills, and they are what make learning possible.
How does this translate into real life changes?
  • With stronger cognitive skills and higher IQ, our students learn things faster and easier than ever before.
  • They have measurably better memory skills and concentration.
  • They perform better in the classroom, on the athletic field and even behind the wheel of a car.
  • They report having greater confidence in academics and in life.
The Brain Transformation Workshop is a unique approach to studying during the holidays as it only utilizes a few days off a long vacation break. The unique study power workshop will help your child acquire the skills of being a great student for the new school term.

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What your child will be trained in :
Auditory processing -This is a student’s ability to perceive, analyze and process sounds, words and sentences they hear. It is the foundation for a lifetime of reading, spelling and comprehension success.
Visual processing – This is the tool the brain uses to accurately process visual images. It includes combining and altering images in the mind and associating images with concepts or sounds. This skill is essential for doing math, word problem solving and reading comprehension.
Memory – This tool consists of working and long-term skills. Working memory enables children to listen to and retain facts while processing that information using other learning skills. Long-term memory stores and recalls known information quickly and accurately.
Processing speed – This is the baseline speed at which your child receives new information, thinks about it, and then utilizes it. Even small gains in this skill produce big results. Faster processing leads to greater fluency and overall learning improvement.
Logic & Reasoning – This is the ability to draw conclusions and think in an orderly, rational manner. These skills enable your child to connect related concepts, think creatively, and solve problems effectively.
Program Schedule
1-on-1 Online Training
Price: $350 for 5 Sessions. Cognitive Test will be conducted in the 1st session.
Register today to guarantee a place for your child! (Applicable for Children Aged 7-12 only)
For more information, please email or whatsapp us at 82820202 now!
ADHD diagnosis Singapore