Singapore Brain Development Centre

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Is Outgrowing Learning Problems a Myth?

Is Outgrowing Learning Problems a Myth?

Brain Training Singapore

Parents, the truth is… waiting for your child to “grow out of” learning, reading, or attention difficulties is not really an option. Learning struggles rarely go away with time. On the contrary, waiting and hoping a problem will go away without appropriate intervention will only lead to frustration, poor grades, low motivation, and time wasted in school. What should you do? If you sense a struggle, find help now before an undiscovered learning weakness permanently limits your child’s potential. There are easy, affordable steps you can take. If you fear that your child has a learning disability, the first step is to have his or her cognitive skills tested. Cognitive skills testing will uncover the source of the struggle, and guide you to a training strategy that can make the difference.

Parents, the truth is… intelligence is not fixed or unchanging! Potential is the possibility that something can develop or become actual. Obviously your child has the potential to actually improve reading, spelling, comprehension, and change overall intelligence, as science now proves. The “gap” between untapped potential and a child’s performance can be closed with the right brain training. If this weren’t possible any efforts aimed at improving study, practice, drills would be meaningless. Tell that to the winner of the school spelling bee, accomplished musician, or star athlete! What can you do? Uncover the source of what’s keeping your child’s full potential from being released. Have his or her cognitive skills tested to reveal these “gaps” caused by cognitive weaknesses. The test results will guide you to a powerful training strategy to help your child realize his or her own potential. If cognitive skills weaknesses are at the root of your child’s trouble, traditional solutions like tutoring might not be the answer.

Tutoring is simply re-teaching what should have been learned the first time! Going over something again and again may have some benefits, but to truly improve cognitive learning skills, most people need something more powerful than tutoring. If all you want is to help your child pass a class, then tutoring may be the quick fix you are looking for. But if you desire revolutionized learning and lifelong educational success, brain training is the solution. No amount of tutoring or extra homework will improve brain performance the way brain training does.

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