Parenting Tips: How To Support A Child With Dyslexia

Parenting Tips: How To Support A Child With Dyslexia
Dyslexia is the most common learning disorder. Language sounds are challenging to understand, recognise and use for those with dyslexia. Children with dyslexia may struggle with sounding out words and might read certain words backwards, such as reading “dog” as “god”.
However, dyslexia does not imply that your child is not intelligent or is “lesser” than their peers. With the right assistance and support, dyslexic children can still excel in school and make the progress expected of kids their age. In this article, we discuss some ways you can support a child with dyslexia.
It is crucial to identify it as early as possible
Dyslexic children frequently exhibit symptoms prior to beginning school. They may speak later than other children do and basic rhymes might be challenging for them to master. They can also have trouble reading from left to right or following instructions.
Since literacy is the cornerstone of all learning, it is essential to recognise dyslexia early on. If your child is struggling with reading, you can consider getting them a dyslexia assessment in Singapore from a specialist.
After it is recognised, it’s critical to utilise “dyslexia” as a tool rather than a label. As a label, it promotes the idea that all “dyslexic” individuals are the same, when that is simply not the case.
The specific challenges and assets of every child must be recognised and taken into consideration. That way, children can be encouraged to participate in all of the academic, social, and other learning possibilities available at school.
Embrace dyslexia and celebrate your child’s successes
Due to their struggles in school, children with dyslexia may frequently feel confused and have poor self-esteem. This is especially so when they struggle with things that they see their peers excelling in.
Therefore, gaining their own self-confidence in their capacity to learn requires the understanding and encouragement of their parents. Working together to set goals for a particular skill, such as reading, would show children that their parents are supporting them throughout this educational process.
No matter how trivial they may appear, acknowledging little successes rewards and validates their efforts. Remind them that their dyslexia has nothing to do with their intelligence or how good they are, and make sure to celebrate their accomplishments!
Make learning fun
As parents, you can also aim to make learning fun by making it a multisensory experience. Research has shown that we only remember 10% of what we hear, and that percentage rises when you factor in the other senses.
For instance, when you are demonstrating something, such as the definition of a term, show them what it means using visuals and pictures. Another example of an easy way to make learning literacy a hands-on and multisensory experience is to replace traditional pen and paper methods with a variety of other mediums (which could include play dough, sand etc).
Get support from a specialist
Another way you can support your child if they have dyslexia is to get additional support from a professional or specialist, such as Singapore Brain Development Centre. We have worked with hundreds of students since our establishment 16 years ago, and have since developed into the country’s leading brain development centre.
We provide a number of programmes for a range of problems with the goal of enhancing each child’s brain processes with our tailored cognitive development plans. Our team of educational therapists are equipped with the necessary expertise to help your child overcome their weaknesses in reading and writing, as well as empower them to be confident lifelong learners.
Whether you are looking for an early intervention programme or right brain training in Singapore, we are committed to helping your child grow and learn with our holistic programmes.
Contact us today for more information or to schedule a free consultation.