Singapore Brain Development Centre



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BLOG Articles

Therapeutic Listening is an auditory program aimed at supporting individuals who experience challenges with communication, listening, and attention. The child or adult is exposed to filtered music in order to stimulate the nervous system with low and high sounds at different intervals. These help to strengthen communication between the ears and the brain for better processing abilities and stimulation for behavioral and emotional growth.

If you have recently found out that your child has autism, you are probably unsure and unprepared about how to best help your child.Having an Autism spectrum disorder has an impact on the way your child socializes, behaves and interacts. Although some parents notice their child is in the spectrum early, others take years to realize their children are autistic because of the wide range of symptoms that are sometimes only seen as a developmental delay.

Has your child just gotten a diagnosis of autism? For many parents, the initial reaction after finding out their child has autism is often fear, worry or even grief.

In recent months, Singapore Brain Development Centre (SBDC) has received an increased amount of enquiries from parents with children with special needs, many of which suffer from developmental issues.

While sifting through the never-ending list of enrichment centres to make sure your child has a good head start in life, as parents, you would certainly be wondering which is the best learning approach for your child to unlock their fullest potential.

Dyslexia is the most common learning disorder. Language sounds are challenging to understand, recognise and use for those with dyslexia. Children with dyslexia may struggle with sounding out words and might read certain words backwards, such as reading “dog” as “god”.

The brain is divided into two major parts – the right and left hemispheres. It is said that a “left-brained” individual is seen to be more rational, objective, and analytical, whereas a “right-brained” one is said to be more expressive, creative, and intuitive.

One of the most crucial life skills is communication. It is how we comprehend the world around us and express ourselves. Raising children to be confident and clear communicators can help them be understood by others, achieve academically, better express themselves and contribute to their emotional and social well-being.

In recent months, Singapore Brain Development Centre (SBDC) has received an increased amount of enquiries from parents with children with special needs, many of which suffer from developmental issues.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) occurs in approximately 5% of all children around the world. Yet, many are unclear about what ADHD actually is, whether it can be cured, or whether children will eventually outgrow ADHD.

The content provided is for educational and informational purposes only.