Singapore Brain Development Centre

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Top 5 Advantages Of Early Intervention For Children

Top 5 Advantages Of Early Intervention For Children

Top 5 Advantages Of Early Intervention For Children

As parents, ensuring that your child gets the best possible start in life is likely on the top of your list of priorities. When doing your research on the possible programmes that can help your child, you may have come across the term “early intervention for kids”.

Early intervention refers to identifying and offering children effective support to prevent or deal with issues head-on before they worsen. These issues could include developmental delays in the physical, cognitive, communicative and social aspects.

If you are considering early childhood intervention in Singapore for your child, here are the top 5 advantages you’d want to know.

1. Enhances a child’s development

A child will learn new social, physical and cognitive skills as they mature. A number of milestones have been found to be useful in allowing parents to determine whether their children are on the right path. These can range from speech-related milestones to physical milestones.

When your child is not achieving the expected milestones, it can be incredibly worrying. Early childhood intervention programmes help to address these delays and issues to maximise their potential and enhance their development.

early childhood intervention

2. Helps make school years more manageable

As mentioned in the previous point, the majority of children who receive early intervention will discover that they may quickly catch up to developmental milestones. For instance, if your child is struggling with their speech and language, addressing these issues with early intervention will reduce the likelihood of them facing challenges with their English language in school. Moreover, as children continue to make progress in terms of their development, they gain confidence, which improves their readiness to face academic difficulties in school.

3. Allows your child to love learning through play

The early intervention curriculum is frequently specifically tailored to the child’s age and needs. Oftentimes, play is employed as a technique to support the cognitive development of children. Children can convey ideas and understand people through play, which helps them develop stronger relationships and a greater understanding of one another. Children use play to interpret their surroundings and give their experiences meaning by relating them to what they already know. Through such methods, your child will be motivated and develop a love of learning via play as a result.

4. Builds habits and routine

Creating a routine is a problem that most parents face. Children flourish in a setting where they feel most at ease. Early intervention recognises this, and experts agree that good techniques and approaches ought to become part of a child’s daily routine.

Early intervention programmes help to build healthy habits and a routine for your child from a young age. This can help to boost their confidence and independence as well.

5. Lays a solid foundation that will improve a child’s life

Additionally, early childhood intervention aids in developing a variety of character traits and abilities that help kids get ready for adulthood.

Studies have found that early intervention is forward-looking, and offer much more than short-term advantages throughout a child’s formative years. Such programmes considerably improve a child’s capacity for social integration in future contexts, such as school, community, and, ultimately the workplace.

The consequences of not enrolling in early intervention programmes

As the saying goes – the earlier, the better!

According to research, a child’s first 3 years of life are a crucial time for their growth. This moment presents a window of opportunity that won’t come around again.

Neural circuits are the interconnected networks of neurons found in a child’s developing brain. The development of your child’s cognitive skills and behaviour is governed by these neural circuits. These circuits can be improved within the first 0 to 5 years of a child’s life. It is vital to act early and not neglect early intervention because it may be harder to address any issues when a child grows older. Take action early so your child can enjoy the amazing benefits of early intervention all through adulthood!


To sum up, there are various benefits of early intervention for children. From helping your child overcome developmental challenges to providing them with a head-start in life, it is crucial for parents to seek early intervention for their child early.

For one of the best early intervention centres in Singapore, check out Singapore Brain Development Centre (SBDC). We are an established brain development centre that offers individualized early childhood intervention programmes for children with various challenges – including language delays, learning disabilities, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and more.

Our early intervention programme will be specifically customised to your child’s learning needs and challenges, and will impact their developmental trajectory in a positive way. What distinguishes our programme from others is the holistic and integrated approach we adopt to foster school readiness and fundamental skills. Our team of therapists collaborate to provide a continuous assessment of the development of your child and their reaction to the intervention. This is to ensure that the requirements of every child are satisfied.

Besides our holistic programmes, we also offer a series of tests, including Singapore dyslexia assessment, to help uncover any underlying learning challenges that your child may have.

To learn more, do not hesitate to contact us today!

ADHD diagnosis Singapore