Singapore Brain Development Centre



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BLOG Articles

Are you looking for a reading program for your child, but you are not sure where to start? What kind of program does your child need? Are some more effective than others? How to tell which is the best for your child? These could be some of the questions that have crossed your mind as a parent with a growing child.

Sensory integration is a process by which the brain receives information through sensory input, organizes it and uses it for everyday activities. Some of these sensory inputs include sight, smell, hearing, movement, taste and others. Sensory processing provides a crucial foundation for later, more complex learning and behavior in children. It is also known as motor skills development, part of the developmental markers for babies and children when they go for pediatric checkups.

Many parents who participate in Singapore Brain Development Centre’s (SBDC) training programs have children who have Sensory Processing Issues. Sensory processing disorder is a sort of `traffic jam’ in the brain. Some bits of sensory

Parents, the truth is… waiting for your child to “grow out of” learning, reading, or attention difficulties is not really an option. Learning struggles rarely go away with time. On the contrary, waiting and hoping a problem will go

No parent can say raising their child has been easy. Although the experience has not been the same for all parents, most face similar challenges, particularly in academics. Some children have trouble paying attention to your schoolwork

In Singapore, for every class with 40 students, at least one or two have dyslexia. This is a significant number of students that need help if they are to cope in a competitive environment like Singapore

The Singapore Brain Development Centre (SBDC) is proud to be a licensed provider of The Tomatis® Method – the gold medal award winner for scientific research in Europe, as a natural approach to auditory stimulation.

Here at the Singapore Brain Development Centre, we get asked all kinds of questions by concerned parents. Our consultants and trainers strive to give our honest and best possible advice based on experiences and qualifications.

When most of us think about massages, we picture ourselves in a spa, with light music playing with a masseuse kneading our stress away. However, when it comes to child massages it not only provides relaxation but also bonding between parent and child.

Sensory integration is a process by which the brain receives information through sensory input, organizes it and uses it for everyday activities. Some of these sensory inputs include sight, smell, hearing, movement, taste and others. Sensory processing provides a crucial foundation for later, more complex learning and behavior in children. It is also known as motor skills development, part of the developmental markers for babies and children when they go for pediatric checkups.

The content provided is for educational and informational purposes only.