Singapore Brain Development Centre

(65) 62884123


Top 5 Effective Dyslexia Therapy Techniques for Children and Adults 

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : July 24, 2024

dyslexia speech therapy

Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities. Dyslexia involves problems processing written and spoken language and may cause an individual to have difficulty reading and writing, and in more severe cases, spelling and speech problems. However, with early and effective intervention, both children and adults can learn ways to manage and

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Parental Guide: Navigating Autism Therapy Services in Singapore 

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : July 3, 2024

Introduction   Autism or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complicated neurodevelopmental condition that impairs communication, behaviour, and social interaction. Early intervention is key to effectively managing this condition, as it can significantly improve a child’s development and quality of life. This article aims to introdu

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Living with ADHD in Singapore: Coping Strategies and Support Systems 

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : June 26, 2024

Mother and ADHD child

Introduction  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. These symptoms can significantly affect daily life, including academic performance, work productivity, and interpersonal relationships.  This article will explore t

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Speech and Language Therapy: Developmental Milestones in Children

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : February 13, 2024

Speech and Language Therapy for children

Speech and language development are pivotal in a child's growth, influencing their ability to communicate, learn, and interact socially. This article summarises important events and the significance of speech and language therapy in Singapore.

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Autism Treatment: Empowering Kids’ Daily Life

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : January 16, 2024

Child with autism holding a heart

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication, behavior, and social interaction. Understanding the nature of autism is the first step in empowering children with this condition.

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Dyslexia in Singapore: Parent & Educator Guide

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : December 12, 2023

Dyslexia in Singapore

Addressing "Dyslexia in Singapore" is crucial, as it affects a considerable number of children with learning challenges. It presents unique challenges in reading, writing, and spelling, often impacting a child’s academic performance and self-esteem. However, understanding dyslexia and employing effective strategies can significantly help children

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Assessing ADHD Diagnosis in Singapore: Trends & Outcomes

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : November 14, 2023

adhd diagnosis in singapore

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition affecting individuals of all ages, including children and adults. In Singapore, the understanding, diagnosis, and management of ADHD have become increasingly vital in recent years. This article explores ADHD in Singapore, emphasizing diagnosis trends and treatment res

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Dyslexia Treatment Programs in SG

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : October 17, 2023

Dyslexia treatment programs

Dyslexia Treatment Programs in SG Introduction Dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects reading, spelling, and writing abilities. Many individuals with dyslexia are exceptionally intelligent and creative but can struggle in traditional education. Effective dyslexia treatments can greatly improve their lives, letting them reach their

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Effectiveness of ADHD Treatment in Singapore: A Long-Term Study

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : September 26, 2023

adhd treatment

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects both children and adults. In this article, we delve into the effectiveness of ADHD treatment in Singapore through a comprehensive long-term study. We'll explore various treatment approaches, including medication, behavioral interventions, and holistic meth

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Expanding Your Child’s Speech, Language & Communication Skills

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : April 5, 2023

Expanding Your Child’s Speech, Language & Communication Skills

Seeing your child excel and having the best possible start to life of arguably one of the most rewarding and pleasurable parts of parenting. One of the ways to ensure that your child is off to a good start right from the get-go is to build a solid foundation in their speech, language, and communication skills. Doing so will not only enable your chi

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Methods For Teaching Reading That Help Struggling Readers

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : March 22, 2023

Methods For Teaching Reading That Help Struggling Readers

Children must learn to read in order to succeed intellectually and socially. It serves as the cornerstone of information and is crucial for communication. The unfortunate truth is that not all children will find learning to read to be easy.

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Promoting Early Literacy Through Early Intervention Programs

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : March 7, 2023

Promoting Early Literacy Through Early Intervention Programs

Literacy is one of the most important skills a child must develop. Early literacy sets the groundwork for future learning and academic success, making it a crucial part of a child’s development.

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When To Worry About Your Child’s Speech Development

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : February 21, 2023

When To Worry About Your Child’s Speech Development

Every parent will definitely find themselves worrying about their child’s development. You may find yourself anxiously watching closely for every “first” of their milestones. Among the various developmental milestones, one area that many parents look forward to is their child’s speech and language development. There is nothing quite like th

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Top 5 Advantages Of Early Intervention For Children

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : February 7, 2023

Top 5 Advantages Of Early Intervention For Children

As parents, ensuring that your child gets the best possible start in life is likely on the top of your list of priorities. When doing your research on the possible programmes that can help your child, you may have come across the term “early intervention for kids”.

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A Guide To Speech & Language Delay Intervention For Kids

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : January 17, 2023

A Guide To Speech & Language Delay Intervention For Kids

As parents, seeing our children develop and grow is among our greatest joys. In fact, many parents may even make it a point to actively track and document their little one’s milestones – from their first step to their first word.

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All About Dyslexia Assessments: Your Questions Answered

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : January 13, 2023

All About Dyslexia Assessments: Your Questions Answered

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that affects up to 10% of the local population. It frequently manifests as difficulties with reading, spelling, or writing. Problems with language acquisition, phonological processing, working memory, sequencing and organisation, visual perception, and motor abilities are just a few of the potential issues that could

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4 Types Of Developmental Delays In Kids & Where To Seek Help

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : December 6, 2022

4 Types Of Developmental Delays In Kids & Where To Seek Help

We have all heard of saying that “everyone is on their own personal journey”. Just as we each have our own pace; children reach the various developmental stages at their own rates. Generally, it is common for kids to fall behind other children their age in reaching some developmental milestones as they will eventually catch up.

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Here’s Why Reading Can Help Improve Your Child’s Memory

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : November 29, 2022

Here's Why Reading Can Help Improve Your Child's Memory

Picture this: your child is bored out of their mind and running around, while you have your laptop open with tons of unanswered work emails. Given how hectic life can get as we juggle multiple responsibilities, these days, it can sometimes be easier to hand your child a mobile phone or tablet to keep them occupied.

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Visual Processing Issues In Kids: What It Is And It’s Signs

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : November 22, 2022

Visual Processing Issues In Kids: What It Is And It's Signs

Does your child's reading or writing abilities fall below their grade level? Have you noticed that he or she tends to struggle with creating a mental picture or following directions?

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Autism & ADHD In Kids: Is There A Connection Between Them?

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : November 14, 2022

Autism & ADHD In Kids: Is There A Connection Between Them?

For many parents, when their child begins exhibiting signs of difficulties concentrating, sitting still or maintaining eye contact, their minds go straight to thinking that their child has either autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

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How Too Much Screen Time May Affect Your Child’s Brain

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : November 8, 2022

How Too Much Screen Time May Affect Your Child's Brain

In an increasingly digital era, it is no secret that children these days have easy access to screens -- now more than ever. However, as much as technology has brought about numerous benefits, such as bringing people closer together and making our work much easier, excessive screen time can have a negative impact on early childhood development.

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Why Sensory Play Is Important For A Child’s Development

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : October 31, 2022

Why Sensory Play Is Important For A Child's Development

Children utilise their senses to explore and attempt to make sense of the world around them from the moment they are born all the way through early childhood. In fact, research has found that people – both children and adults – retain the most information and learn best when their senses are engaged.

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4 Positive Facts About Autism That Parents Should Know

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : October 25, 2022

Has your child just gotten a diagnosis of autism? For many parents, the initial reaction after finding out their child has autism is often fear, worry or even grief.

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Top 5 Causes Of Speech & Language Delay In Children

Post by : Brain Development Centre Editor | Post on : October 18, 2022

Top 5 Causes Of Speech & Language Delay In Children

In recent months, Singapore Brain Development Centre (SBDC) has received an increased amount of enquiries from parents with children with special needs, many of which suffer from developmental issues.

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How Right Brain Training Can Unleash Your Child’s Potential

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : October 11, 2022

How Right Brain Training Can Unleash Your Child's Potential

While sifting through the never-ending list of enrichment centres to make sure your child has a good head start in life, as parents, you would certainly be wondering which is the best learning approach for your child to unlock their fullest potential.

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Parenting Tips: How To Support A Child With Dyslexia

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : October 5, 2022

Parenting Tips: How To Support A Child With Dyslexia

Dyslexia is the most common learning disorder. Language sounds are challenging to understand, recognise and use for those with dyslexia. Children with dyslexia may struggle with sounding out words and might read certain words backwards, such as reading “dog” as “god”.

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Right Brain Training For Kids: What It Is & How To Nurture It

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : September 27, 2022

The brain is divided into two major parts – the right and left hemispheres. It is said that a “left-brained” individual is seen to be more rational, objective, and analytical, whereas a “right-brained” one is said to be more expressive, creative, and intuitive.

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A Guide To Speech Therapy For Children: All You Need To Know

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : September 23, 2022

One of the most crucial life skills is communication. It is how we comprehend the world around us and express ourselves. Raising children to be confident and clear communicators can help them be understood by others, achieve academically, better express themselves and contribute to their emotional and social well-being.

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How Does Brain Training Help Children with Special Needs?

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : August 3, 2022

In recent months, Singapore Brain Development Centre (SBDC) has received an increased amount of enquiries from parents with children with special needs, many of which suffer from developmental issues.

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Top 5 Myths about ADHD

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : August 3, 2022

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) occurs in approximately 5% of all children around the world. Yet, many are unclear about what ADHD actually is, whether it can be cured, or whether children will eventually outgrow ADHD.

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The Importance of Understanding Sensory Processing Disorders

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : August 3, 2022

Many parents who participate in Singapore Brain Development Centre’s (SBDC) training programs have children who have Sensory Processing Issues. Sensory processing disorder is a sort of `traffic jam’ in the brain. Some bits of sensory

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Is Outgrowing Learning Problems a Myth?

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : August 3, 2022

Parents, the truth is… waiting for your child to “grow out of” learning, reading, or attention difficulties is not really an option. Learning struggles rarely go away with time. On the contrary, waiting and hoping a problem will go

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Brain Test for Child: What It Is and Where to Find One

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : August 3, 2022

No parent can say raising their child has been easy. Although the experience has not been the same for all parents, most face similar challenges, particularly in academics. Some children have trouble paying attention to your schoolwork

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Understanding Dyslexia and its Treatment Options

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : August 3, 2022

In Singapore, for every class with 40 students, at least one or two have dyslexia. This is a significant number of students that need help if they are to cope in a competitive environment like Singapore

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The Power of Listening Therapy

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : August 3, 2022

The Singapore Brain Development Centre (SBDC) is proud to be a licensed provider of The Tomatis® Method – the gold medal award winner for scientific research in Europe, as a natural approach to auditory stimulation.

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Tough Questions Answered by Professionals

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : August 3, 2022

Here at the Singapore Brain Development Centre, we get asked all kinds of questions by concerned parents. Our consultants and trainers strive to give our honest and best possible advice based on experiences and qualifications.

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Using Massage to Help Your Child Cope with Stress

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : August 2, 2022

When most of us think about massages, we picture ourselves in a spa, with light music playing with a masseuse kneading our stress away. However, when it comes to child massages it not only provides relaxation but also bonding between parent and child.

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Developing Your Child’s 7 Senses with Sensory Integration

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : July 30, 2022

Sensory integration is a process by which the brain receives information through sensory input, organizes it and uses it for everyday activities. Some of these sensory inputs include sight, smell, hearing, movement, taste and others. Sensory processing provides a crucial foundation for later, more complex learning and behavior in children. It is a

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Reading Programs for Kids: Nurturing an Avid Reader

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : July 30, 2022

Are you looking for a reading program for your child, but you are not sure where to start? What kind of program does your child need? Are some more effective than others? How to tell which is the best for your child? These could be some of the questions that have crossed your mind as a parent with a growing child.

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A Parent’s Guide to Autism Therapy for Children

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : July 30, 2022

If you have recently found out that your child has autism, you are probably unsure and unprepared about how to best help your child. Having an Autism spectrum disorder has an impact on the way your child socializes, behaves and interacts. Although some parents notice their child is in the spectrum early, others take years to realize their childr

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Ways to Support a Therapeutic Listening Program

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : July 30, 2022

Therapeutic Listening is an auditory program aimed at supporting individuals who experience challenges with communication, listening, and attention. The child or adult is exposed to filtered music in order to stimulate the nervous system with low and high sounds at different intervals. These help to strengthen communication between the ears and the

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Signs, Treatments and Ways to Cope with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : July 30, 2022

According to data from the Child Guidance Clinic (CGC) in Singapore, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common condition in children and adolescents who visit this facility. The prevalence of ADHD is said to be between 1.7% and 16%.

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What Every Parent Needs to Know About Early Intervention for Kids

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : July 30, 2022

Every child grows and develops at their own pace, most achieve certain milestones like crawling, walking and uttering their first words at around the same age. When a child is not achieving the expected milestones on time, he is said to have developmental delays which can be worrisome.

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Focus Training Tips for Kids

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : July 30, 2022

If you are a parent of an child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), then you should understand how difficult it can be for your child to stay focused on his task at hand. Focus and concentration is like a muscle which must be exercised regularly for improved performance.

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Occupational Therapy for Kids

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : July 30, 2022

Occupational therapy (OT) is a therapeutic treatment designed to help people who struggle with everyday activities. Specifically for kids, Occupational Therapy can help children with cognitive, sensory integration or developmental delays achieve independence in their daily routines. These daily activities include writing, typing,

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : July 30, 2022

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) encompasses a range of psychological techniques that help children identify and explore ways to control their emotions, thoughts and actions. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about CBT:

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What is Motor Skills Therapy for Children?

Post by : singaporebrainuser | Post on : July 28, 2022

Motor skills can be broadly classified into 2 main spectrums – Fine Motor Skills and Gross Motor Skills. As children grow older, they start to naturally develop the ability to control and coordinate their body movements. Some children, however, may face difficulties in acquiring such motor skills.

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